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Conference Keynote

The Future of the Hybrid Book
(e-book + p-book) in Publishing

Fri., March 14, 2014
10:30 AM

Greg Van Alstyne, Tim Buell, Caitlin Fisher, Conor Holler and moderator Robert K. Logan

FRI. MARCH 14, 2014

Event begins 10:30 AM

Tranzac Club, Main Hall
292 Brunswick Ave., Toronto

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Each of the two vehicles for the transmission of book-length text, namely the e-book and the printed codex book (p-book) have their advantages. Rather than choosing one over the other or arguing the merits of each we explore in this session the creation of hybrid books that combine the e-book and the p-book. We will consider hypertexted books and books that contain images, videos, audios and text so that some day one will not have to decided whether to read the book or watch the movie because there will be a format that contains them both.


Robert K. LoganRobert K. Logan—Emeritus professor physics and Fellow of St. Michael's College, U. of Toronto and Chief Scientist of the sLab, OCAD U.


Greg Van Alstyne—Professor of Strategic Foresight, OCADU.

Tim Buell, PhD—composer and multidisciplinary scholar.

RCaitlin FisherCaitlin Fisher—Co-founder, Future Cinema Lab at York University.

Conor Holler—Producer, Xenophile Media, Founder of Deebo an app for diabetics, and a performing comedian.

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FRI. MARCH 14, 2014

Event begins 10:30 AM

Tranzac Club, Main Hall
292 Brunswick Ave., Toronto